
Letting Go Is Not Fun At All!

‘Empty nest’ is an experience that often comes with mixed feelings, some parents look forward to it, but others don’t for different reasons. I remember listening to President Barack Obama describing the raw emotions he…


Dating Your Spouse

“I am tired. We can’t afford this outing right now. You know I get back home late, I can’t see how it will work! Who would look after the children?” These and many more are…


Why I Avoid You!

One of the key aspects of love is acceptance. It is hard to truly love people who make you feel you have to constantly measure up to their standards before they love you. This often…


I don’t want flowers, just treat me right!

It’s 6 days to Valentine’s Day. The energy is building up in specific quarters. Some people may be planning to make an impression of their new date, others planning to propose/hoping to be proposed to,…



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