Today, we shall be looking at accountability and sexual fidelity in marriage. Please share with us how you handle this in your family.
James: Thank you so much for this opportunity. It’s been a huge learning experience. As regards the topic for today, what we did was to adopt transparency as a family value. As a result of this, every morning and before bed time, we talk about anything and everything, including issues on sexual fidelity. For instance, at one time, a certain lady was getting too close, all I did was to make it public by discussing it with my wife and immediately, we came up with a strategy on how to deal with it. There is no need to give room to ‘strange fires’.
Lisa: Nice, this is why it is good to have absolute trust in each other. It’s an area we are working on at the moment. To be able to discuss anything with my husband, hmmm… I do not know how he would react and if his ego can handle it. For now, what I do is to discuss it indirectly as though I was talking about a friend, just to watch his reaction. I think people stumble into adultery when they hide things.
Victor: Very true Lisa, sin thrives in secrecy. A system of accountability must be put in place to check every type of inappropriate behaviour, including emotional ones, on time.
ACTION POINT: Make up your mind to create a system of accountability that will build formidable trust, thereby increasing the bond between you and your spouse.
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