“People Are Evil!”

As we spend time tackling relationship and marital problems, it has become obvious that some of the sources of marital problems are hurt, anger, bitterness, guilt and other negative emotions from the past. These things become huge stumbling blocks to present relationships.

When emotional pains are left unattended, they often sit at the subconscious level, where they play the role of sifting ‘similar’ experiences. Hence, you often hear comments like, “I can’t trust anybody”, “people are evil”, “men just want to use and dump you”, “women only care about money”. Being hurt colours our perspective to relationship and marital romance, thereby leading us into forming stereotypes.

Hurt from the past also influences our attitude during conflict, our interactions with our spouses, our reactions when corrected, etc., causing some of us to transfer aggression to our loved ones. Our goal must be to achieve wholeness and turn our pain into power.

Are hurts from the past helping or limiting your present relationships? Do you have issues you need to let go? Do you still recall some memories with pain, as though they happened today?

ACTION POINT: To tackle this, make up your mind to truly forgive; keep speaking and blessing those who hurt you until your feelings towards them become positive; thank God for the experience.

Chidi & Victor Akunna
Relationship Catalysts
Connected Hearts Daily Devotional
Popular Demand Series
Pin: 73E8821E
Blog: www.foundationforfamilyaffairs.org

Photo Cedit: io9


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About the Author

Chidi & Victor Akunna are leading voices on marital romance and family life. They are passionate about helping individuals, couples and organisations build sustainable and valuable relationships, and testimonials abound. They are authors of many articles and books. They partner in the administration of “Romance Masterclass” – a coaching programme and “Lite the FIRE” workshop – a couples’ romance makeover intervention. Together, they write “Connected Hearts” – a leading daily devotional on spicing up marital romance and strengthening families. They also oversee the operations of Foundation for Family Affairs – a charity focused on strengthening families around the globe. Feel free to enjoy the resources available here!

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