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A Whole 60 minutes ?

How many of us can spend time with our spouses for 60 minutes without our phones, tablet, TV or the radio playing in the background? Most times, the fact that we exist in a “technology-glut”…


A mind at peace gives life to the body

Some once asked, so how exactly does the mind affect the body? Do you know that every action of the mind produces a certain effect on the body? Your body responds to the way you…


Laying the foundation of your marital romance

Choosing who to marry is one of the most important life-changing decisions we make. It is a decision that must be made consciously, unsentimentally and with a long term perspective. Putting yourself under pressure because…



Some years ago, when I was planning to get married, I remember getting all kinds of advice from people. Some of them gave me something to look forward to, while others attempted to impart fear…
