Beyond Valentine Part 3
Sometime ago, I was shopping on EBay for an item that cost about £299. As I was searching for it on this lovely day, I was surprised to see that the cost was £30. £30?,…
Sometime ago, I was shopping on EBay for an item that cost about £299. As I was searching for it on this lovely day, I was surprised to see that the cost was £30. £30?,…
In part 1 of this article, we made a submission that Valentine should be a daily event. If this is the case, someone may ask, “how can I afford it? I mean, right now I…
It is a privilege to share a few thoughts this Valentine season. We call it “a season” because it comes and goes like the Harmattan season. A season is something we cannot control, it happens…
May and Tony have been married for 13 years. Everyone around them considers them lovebirds. In fact, they are the #couplegoals of a lot of single people. Things seem fine to everyone, but them. They…
Love is a risk. To love is to risk rejection. To be vulnerable is to risk pain. To ask a lady out is to risk being snubbed. To position yourself to be found by the…