I Never Met My Father!

I had a chat with an 11-year old boy who was bitter, distraught and quite disruptive. When I pressed on, I discovered that he was simply transferring aggression as he was angry with his parents, especially his dad. He was bitter for many reasons; he was abandoned with his grandmother, his dad was never around to cheer him on during his football games, watch his favourite team play or even celebrate his academic prowess. I was moved with huge compassion. It is painful that only few people grasp the far-reaching impact of absentee fathers and fatherlessness in the lives of young people – the future leaders. On the other hand, if you never had a father, that should not spell gloom and doom for you, many successful people today never knew their fathers. Let that be a motivation for you to be successful, not an excuse or a crutch to lean on.

“For the Father loves the Son, and shows him all things that he himself does: and he will show him greater works than these, that you may marvel.” John 5:20. This scripture emphasises the importance of intimacy with our children, it is a channel for unraveling life’s principles to the next generation. If you want your children to continue in your legacy, pursuing God with their whole heart, you must build intimacy with them. Don’t be an absentee or distant father. Beyond that, be present when you are home, don’t be in the lounge with your mind and attention around the world.


THINK & ACT: Create activities that will help you bond and transfer the baton to your children. Be deliberate in your approach, leave nothing to chance.

Chidi & Victor Akunna
Relationship Catalysts
Connected Hearts Daily Devotional (C) 2016
Fatherhood Series 022
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Twitter: @FamilyAffairs05
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About the Author

Chidi & Victor Akunna are leading voices on marital romance and family life. They are passionate about helping individuals, couples and organisations build sustainable and valuable relationships, and testimonials abound. They are authors of many articles and books. They partner in the administration of “Romance Masterclass” – a coaching programme and “Lite the FIRE” workshop – a couples’ romance makeover intervention. Together, they write “Connected Hearts” – a leading daily devotional on spicing up marital romance and strengthening families. They also oversee the operations of Foundation for Family Affairs – a charity focused on strengthening families around the globe. Feel free to enjoy the resources available here!

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